Caribou’s Downtown Team

The Downtown Team was commissioned by Caribou City Council in July 2018 and officially recognized as a Maine Development Foundation/Maine Downtown Center Main Street Affiliate in January 2019. Main Street America is a nearly 40-year-old organization with a reputation as one of the most powerful economic development tools in the nation for vibrant, healthy downtowns. With affiliate status, the Caribou Downtown Team partakes in essential training, campaigns and networking opportunities every community leader must know to boost the local economy and leave a lasting legacy. Join us and become part of the team dedicated to Caribou’s future. Email for more information.

More information from Main Street America:

More information from Maine Development Foundation’s Downtown Center:

The Caribou Downtown Team’s Main Street Vision: click here.

Caribou Downtown Team Vision: Serve as a catalyst for prosperity, historic preservation and future development by re-establishing Sweden Street as the hub of economic and cultural influence in Caribou. The City of Caribou Downtown Team is committed to re-inventing our unique and historic Downtown through events, marketing and entrepreneurial efforts. With Affiliate status, we hope to seek grants and donations to increase awareness and opportunities to all Caribou citizens. We firmly intend to use our resources to:

  • Work hand-in-hand with the City of Caribou’s vision of encouraging the continued development of commerce and industry; support and enhance Caribou’s strong foundation of all-season recreational opportunities; promote a community where you can grow your family, business and yourself; and provide a safe healthy and welcoming atmosphere for all
  • Improve the opportunities and aesthetics in Downtown Caribou through both business and cultural improvements: including, but not limited to: grants, rental assistance for new businesses, facade grants and public art. Work with other City Departments on cohesive branding and gateway signage.
  • Offer education, workshops and networking opportunities to all business owners and potential entrepreneurs established or looking to establish in Caribou. Work with the Caribou Public Library to promote business resources.
  • Be a helpful liaison between the business community and the municipality.
  • Enhance walkability and promote Caribou’s “Age-Friendly Community” designation.
  • Build upon and enhance Caribou’s sense of community and civic pride.
  • Create and enhance Downtown events as part of a larger tourism and development plan.
  • Raise monies to develop the waterfront as a destination for tourism and better integrate Water Street as the “Gateway” to the riverfront development and further promote all “gateways” of the community.
  • Work with the Caribou City Council, Caribou Economic Growth Council and Business Investment Group to seek and support opportunities.
  • Strengthen the Caribou core using the Main Street Transformation Strategies and Four Points Approach: Economic Vitality, Design, Promotion, and Organization.