Emergency Management Agency

Emergency Management Agency
111 High Street
Caribou, Maine 04736
John Gibson, Director
Phone: (207) 498-5096

Caribou Emergency Management Agency
Annual Report for 2023

The purpose of the Emergency Management Agency is to coordinate activities between the Police, Fire, Ambulance, Public Works, Utilities, and other departments within the City during a major emergency. In the event, the emergency goes beyond City control and capabilities, the EMA coordinates help between the City, County and State of Maine EMAs.

                The EMA department is activated only during major emergency situations within the City and other communities that we cover.

                Caribou is fortunate to have the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service ( EARS ) a volunteer component of the EMA.  The unit has a committed volunteer strength of seven licensed and trained personnel available to support any declared emergency operations within the city.  The unit also has a memorandum of understanding with the Aroostook County EMA for mutual aid if necessary.

                The radio room at the Emergency Operation Center has been cleaned and rewired to accommodate donated high frequency VHF and D-Star digital radios. The EARS team can communicate worldwide by voice, if necessary and contact the state Emergency Operation Center in Augusta.

                The Caribou Emergency Amateur Radio Service  received a donated mobile vehicle that has recently been refurbished by the students at NMCC and hope to have it on display during Thursdays on Sweden this summer.  The vehicle will be equipped with communication equipment and could be used in the event of an emergency.

                EARS continues to train with the National Weather Service and the members monitor all emergency frequencies daily.  During the last major winter storm, the team provided 24-hour coverage.

                The city is fortunate to have a dedicated group of individuals, that are always available if any emergency arises.  I personally can’t thank them enough for their commitment and dedication to the community.

                The agency finalized the Caribou Fire and Ambulance generator upgrade, now the Fire Station will have emergency power to the complete building in case of lost power.  The upgrade was made available through a FEMA grant.  This was a saving of $78,550 to the citizens of Caribou.

                The Emergency Operation Center continues to be a  local training center for First Responders and Emergency Personnel, providing a location for both Police and Fire agencies who can complete their mandated training required by the state.

The Caribou Emergency Management Agency works closely with the Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency, which is also located in Caribou. I would like to thank that agency for all the help throughout the past year, it truly is a team effort when it comes to any disaster.

In closing, I would like to remind the citizens of our community to be prepared for any disaster by having a “GO” kit available in case of any emergency.  The kit should include bottled water, non-perishable food, candles, a portable radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.  Remember being prepared could save you or your loved one’s life.

                As always, the Caribou Emergency Management Agency stands with our citizens in time of need.

“ Working together, we all can make a difference”.

Respectfully Submitted

Chief Michael W. Gahagan

Director of Caribou Emergency Management Agency