Code Enforcement

Caribou Municipal Building
25 High Street
Caribou, Maine 04736

Phone: (207) 493-3324  Option #8

Fax: (207) 498-3954

The Code Enforcement department was combined with the Tax Assessment office in 2014. The office is located on the first floor of the Caribou Municipal Building at 25 High Street. The office is responsible to facilitate voluntary compliance with: local ordinances sent forth in the city code; the building, energy, plumbing, health and life safety codes adopted by the State of Maine; and must follow-up on violations of the same.

All forms and applications are available online and at the office as well as specific property information and general information about: City of Caribou Comprehensive Plan, Land Use and Zoning, Shoreland Zoning, Planning Board agendas and the codes and standards of MUBEC. These may be examined during regular business hours and copies are available for a reasonable fee.

Limits of Authority

Code Enforcement Department Staff:

Deputy Code Enforcement Officer – Tony Michaud                                                                                    Email: l
Brandon Saucier
Local Plumbing Inspector Email: Brandon Saucier
Brian Lajoie
Fire Chief
Health Officer

For zoning and new development questions, contact John Gibson.

For building related issues contact Tony Michaud.

Mr. Saucier works on a part-time basis.

Chief Lajoie will be contacted by office staff if the assistance of the Health Officer is required.

City Code

Map Resources


The State of Maine requires all cities of populations over 4,000 to enforce the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC) as well.

Note: The Caribou City Council repealed the Electrical Code after a public hearing on June 9, 2014. Therefore, electrical permits will be available only be issued by the State of Maine to a Master Electrician. You can apply online here.

Map State Electrical Inspector November 2020

Do I need a Permit?

For a list of projects which do NOT require a permit:

IBC Section105.2 Work Exempt from Permit

IRC Section R105.2 Work Exempt from Permit

Do you need a permit from the Office of State Fire Marshal?

Follow this link for more information: FMO CBF Permiting

State Fire Marshal Permits

Complete Construction Permit Application Packet

Do you need a permit from the DEP?

Follow this link for more information: 2019 DEP Info

DEP – Stormwater Management

For information on Maine DOT permits:

MaineDOT On-Premises Signs

Driveway / Entrance Permit Applications & Permit By Rule (Forest & Farm Activities):

Official Business Directional Signs:


Note: Plumbing permits are NOT available online. The property owner or master plumber must apply for this permit in person. The City of Caribou charges the state minimum for plumbing fees. The fee schedule can be found here: Table 3A (fees)

Helpful Info

Certain commercial projects require permitting from the Office of the State Fire Marshal.

 Office Policies

Effective January 1, 2013: All building permits will require a minimum of three (3) business days for review. All inspections need to be scheduled at least two (2) business days in advance.

The mission of the Code Enforcement Department is to ensure positive development in the City of Caribou, a community which welcomes both commercial and residential growth. All commercial, institutional and industrial construction projects require a complete set of structural plans that have been signed and sealed by a professional engineer or architect. This office does plan reviews, issues permits and performs all inspections. All building projects require that a permit be obtained PRIOR to the start of construction.

“It’s all about safety!”