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In 2022, when the federal budget passed, a $2.5 million earmark from Senator Collins was approved to help develop and build a new police station for the City of Caribou:

As of December 2024, this money has yet to be received, but it has been appropriated. The City is working with USDA to secure financing for the project.

The Caribou Organization Promoting Public Safety (COPPS) has been formed as a 501(c)(3) organization to assist with fundraising. The next meeting of the City Council police station committee will also be focused on fundraising for the project.

At their meeting on March 27, 2023, the Caribou City Council authorized City Manager Penny Thompson to enter into a contract with Artifex for the design of the police station. Artifex & Manns Woodward provided concept designs at the end of November 2023 which can be found in the document archives below. The building was designed to be located at the northeast corner of the former “Birdseye” site at the intersection of US Route 1 (Presque Isle Road) & Fort Street. A sign has been placed there to signal that plans are underway.

The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been ordered, the topographical site work has started, and next steps will factor in geotechnical engineering for the project.

Senator Collins Visits the Caribou Police Department - October 2022

In October 2022, Senator Susan Collins paid a visit to the Caribou Police Department and took time to speak with our police chief, officers, city councilors, and other officials in regard to the history of our station as well as the plans for the new police station to be funded by monies that she helped get approved and appropriated for the project.