Riverfront Redevelopment

The City of Caribou has been awarded an EPA FY2023 Brownfields Cleanup Grant on the Aroostook River for the site of the Power Plants. For more information, please visit https://www.cariboumaine.org/grants/

Otter Brook Overlook

Caribou Riverfront Redevelopment Committee (CRRC)

At the September 20th Caribou City Council Meeting the Council approved the Ordinance No. 16, 2021 Series, Chapter 20 Riverfront Development Committee making the Caribou Riverfront Redevelopment Committee (CRRC) an official committee of the city.

In 2022 the CRRC has been working diligently to identify and prioritize riverfront assets, designate the Riverfront Development District complete with Land Use and Zoning, reach out to property owners, work with our neighboring communities in petitioning the MDOT Commissioner on a railroad right of way (ROW) reuse study, set goals, and work to restore interests of renewed commercial, residential, and recreational opportunities  along the Aroostook River while celebrating the riverfront as vital part of our community and the CRRC, at the February 15, 2022, meeting voted to recommend to the Caribou Planning Board the formation and designation of a Riverfront Development Overlay District.

Work on a Land Use Table and Zoning unique to this district has already begun to be applied to the Overlay District as created by the Caribou Planning Board to be ultimately approved to by act of Ordinance by the Caribou City Council.

CRRC is seeking funding to create the Riverfront Redevelopment Master Plan. A master plan is a dynamic, long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development.  The Committee unanimously agrees that such a plan is necessary to capture and guide current and future efforts in the Riverfront area.  It is also a key factor in support of any grant application for future implementation activities and will be an integral part of the Caribou 2024 Comprehensive Plan. 

The Committee has received a preliminary estimate of $50,000.00 to complete such a plan.   Fund-raising activity to date has yielded commitments of $10,000.00. We have received a grant $472,550 from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) to use towards Riverfront Plans & Projects.


June 25, 2024AgendaMinutesPacket
May 21, 2024Packet
April 23, 2024
March 19, 2024Packet
February 27, 2024Packet
January 30, 2024MinutesPacketABCA Public Hearing
February 14, 2023AgendaMinutesPacket
January 24, 2023AgendaPacket
November 15, 2022AgendaPacket
October 25, 2022AgendaPacket
September 20, 2022AgendaPacket
August 23, 2022AgendaPacket
July 12, 2022Agenda
June 21, 2022Minutes
April 19, 2022Agenda
March 15, 2022AgendaPacket
February 15, 2022AgendaPacket
January 18, 2022AgendaPacket


ENGIE Distributed Power contributed $7000 for the Riverfront Master Plan
Lattice Technology Group contributed $1000.00 for the Riverfront Master Plan


Letter of Commitment for the Caribou Diesel Power Plant

Chapter 22: Caribou Development Committee

Final Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Floodplain

Notice of Application and Public Meeting