The City of Caribou has made plans to build a police station on the parcel that formerly was home to “Birdseye”. The City acquired the property through the automatic lien foreclosure process in 2016. In 2017, the City applied for and received an NBRC grant to assist with cleanup. In 2024, the City applied for and received Brownfields Revolving Loan funding to clean up the remaining area of concern. This project will be completed in 2025.
The whole parcel is approximately 20 acres. The police station parcel is expected to be less than three acres, leaving approximately 17 acres for economic development.
Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) for the former Maine Frozen Foods site, “Birdseye,” is now available at City Hall. This document describes the site and reviews the cleanup plan alternatives for getting the site ready for future development. You can also view it through this link: ABCA Report on “Bird’s-eye” Site
The City of Caribou plans to secure resources from the EPA Land Revitalization Technical Assistance program in the Spring 2025 to develop a reuse plan for the Birdseye site. EPA Region One have been helpful partners with the City on our many efforts to restore properties to their highest and best use.
For more information about EPA Land revitalization, please visit their website:
Media coverage of this planning project: